Friday, September 5, 2008

My Work Place

Aiyo, Ally ah, wanna date me out for dinner must make a 18hr advance appointment mah, then i can make it in time.... nvm lah, when i come back you will have lots of chance...

btw, this is the post i am typing when you called me, haha

Not much typing actually, more of the photos uploading...

Below is the building that i work at, 3rd floor the right side de 3 windows there, i will also be inside the during my working hours. It seems to be like used to be a hospital.... quite a ancient building, but the interior doesn seem to be that old....

An old castle look like entrance....This is the eerie stairs that i have to walk when going for lunch and home.... every step you take will echo throughtout the whole building... as long as someone is taking the stairs, you willl know is...

this is a modern stairs, i think built not long ago, this stairs de 3 rd storey is their µE department, must visit there some time later....
the corridor outside of my lab, left side 1st door is my workplace... outside got some chair and tabls for me to slack out when there is too much work to do in the lab, but havn use it b4...


London said...

yea right call u i dun mind paying extra.. and you will pay more rite!!!

Zan said...
